The ultimate walk of shame…..


If you don’t watch Game of Thrones, you won’t enjoy this post.

If you do watch Game of Thrones but, for some reason (I can’t imagine “not having time” can count when it comes to GoT), aren’t caught up yet, you definitely won’t enjoy this post.

Seriously. I talk about every episode. Go away and watch Game of Thrones or you’ll get angry. 

Also, if you do watch Game of Thrones, and are totally caught up. you still probably won’t enjoy this post. It’s really not very interesting as it seems people only really like posts where I nearly die, burn something down, or get assaulted…which is totally fair. Those are my favorite too.


That being said, I went to Dubrovnik and nothing really bad happened to me. So I did a Game of Thrones tour instead. To get into character, we all stripped down totally naked in the middle of Dubrovnik in July and strut our stuff in commemoration of Cersei Lannister’s infamous “Walk of Atonement” in Season 5.

Obviously joking since this post isn’t titled, “Getting arrested in Dubrovnik for Lewd Behavior”
See? That’s me. Avec clothes

As you can see, the stairs are the same. The Great Sept of Baelor, however, is not. It was destroyed by wildfire a few weeks ago in a plot of glorious revenge (I warned you about the spoilers).

The Great Sept of Baelor, RIP

Ok, no, but seriously, the whole thing is CGI….

Some very authentic looking GoT shorts and T-shirts



Actually, just about everything is CGI is seems. I’m not really sure how much is real anymore.


For example, here is the dock in which Sansa is walking with Littlefinger in Season 4. That huge castle definitely doesn’t exist except on a computer hard drive somewhere (Or however they do it. I don’t know technology terms. I’m basically 80).


The real life castle looks a little smaller. As do the boats…


I didn’t get to go to the island where Joffrey’s wedding was held. But I did see it from on top of another filming site. IMG_4581



Apparently it took three days to shoot the wedding scene. The extras were told to pretend to eat and to drink lots of alcohol. In the “spirit” of things, they actually brought their own drinks. So here’s to king Joffrey….for three days of island drinking I’d probably attend his wedding as well.


Joffrey's Name Day. A joust fight is in progress. Tyrion returns from battle . Intrp Ser Dontos.
Season 2, Joffrey’s name day tournament. (Below you can see the boxes where the stunt devil falls)




Of course they forgot to show us so many things. What’s a trip to King’s Landing without seeing the High Sparrow preach? And after our walk of shame and everything….


Luckily I figured out these important steps after we left 😀


In conclusion, Dubrovnik is great, though a lot of the best parts of Game of Thrones are CGI anyway. I’m glad we did the GoT tour but I do think it may have been better if I had re-watched the entire series ahead of time. Frankly I remembered almost nothing.

King’s Landing skyline from Season 6
Dubrovnik Skyline

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  1. I watched approximately 20 second of Game of Thrones and turned it off – way too violent, stressful, and not good for my peaceful soul. 🙂
    However I love looking at your photos of Dubrovnik and want to go there even more!
    And it was interesting to see how the show altered the landscape with CGI
    (glad you weren’t arrested; I know you like to keep it real) 🙂

    1. No, Game of Thrones isn’t for you….sometimes I think you’d like it (strong female characters) but they do some pretty horrendous things to people in that show. You should just stick to Doctor Who

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