It would be easy to write a post about CrossFit movements, running, or my diet. But the changes I made in the last four years are so much more than those things.
A Somewhat Cliché but Truthful Fitness Journey

Travel. Workout. Write
It would be easy to write a post about CrossFit movements, running, or my diet. But the changes I made in the last four years are so much more than those things.
And just like that, five months flew by. Where I left off: After an unexpected stay in the United States last summer, I was able …
After six long, unexpected months in the U.S., I have finally reached my final destination: Chicago. As I wind down my trip here and get ready …
I was once allergic to routine. It felt threatening, something that would trap me and prevent me from living my life fully. The rigidness of …
Covid lockdowns meant a lot of sitting around in my own anxiety worrying about my life. But it also helped me come up with some …
Two weeks ago, my friends loaded up three boxes and a suitcase packed with all my possessions and locked the door to my little Beijing …
I feel a little guilty admitting it, but I’m really loving lockdown. I’m just getting so much done! I never feel rushed. I don’t have …
First, I’m fine! Although I live in Beijing, I was in Malaysia when the first reporting of the Coronavirus occurred and had already been out …
October 1st is a big deal in Beijing this year. Which is why next Thursday I am LEAVING CHINA. Not for good. Just until October …
The time has finally come to say goodbye to my single favorite item: my passport. My old one is officially expired. It’s a bit strange …